Learning Modalities

Learning Your Way!

EMCC is pleased to offer four ways to learn, so you can choose the option that works best for you.

Many of our programs are available online, so you can study from home, an office, a park – anywhere you have an internet connection. It's another way EMCC helps you keep moving toward your goals.


In Person

This is the traditional classroom format, where classes meet on campus only in a face-to-face environment.

We are currently offering in-person classes across all of our programs, but for these classes, masks must be worn and class sizes have been reduced to accommodate social distancing during lectures.


Hybrid: In Person and Online

Hybrid classes combine the convenience of online work with weekly class meetings on campus.

This option is primarily for courses with lab work, physical education, and occupational classes.

Keep in mind that masks are required for all EMCC students and employees, so be sure to bring yours with you when you go on campus.


Live Online

With Live Online sessions, you'll have the chance to interact with your instructor and classmates in a virtual environment.

Your sessions meet online on specific days and times every week, just like a regular in-person class.

You will also be able to continue class experiences like lectures and small group work, and your assignments will have regular due dates outside of class sessions.

Learn more

Learn more about the Live Online experience
from EMCC students like you:



Online on Your Time

All coursework is done online, but there are no specific times when you need to be in front of your computer.

This means that instead of in-person lectures, you will work through weekly online content and assignments, and your instructor will be available to assist you when questions come up.

You will still have assignment due dates you need to meet, but Online on Your Time means you decide how to fit coursework into your schedule.

Ready to get started?

Now that you know what to expect, visit schedule.estrellamountain.edu to find the classes you need, then log in to your Student Center account to register for classes.

Register Today!