Standard Response Protocol
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For all emergencies, call the number listed below.
EMCC Police: (480) 784-0911 or 40911 from any campus phone.
Be Prepared…
Emergencies, accidents, injuries and other unexpected events can occur at any time and in any place. Being prepared both mentally and physically for the unexpected is the first and best defense to minimize an incident. Each of us must take a pro-active approach to providing a safe environment and, although no guide can cover all situations, the procedures outlined in this booklet will help prepare you should an emergency arise. Be sure to:
- Familiarize yourself with your surroundings.
- Know the locations of all exits from your area or building in case fire or debris should block one.
- Know the location of fire alarm pull stations.
- Know the location of fire extinguishers and first-aid cabinets.
- Know where to find the nearest phone or emergency call box to notify College Police
in case of an emergency. - Be aware of what is going on around you.
- Lock your car and conceal valuable items.
- Never leave personal property unattended.
- Keep this guide handy, either close to or under your telephone.
- Don’t hesitate to call 9-1-1 immediately if you believe an emergency exists. Then contact College Police.
Contact College Police at (623) 935-8915 if you have any questions concerning emergency procedures.
Any injury or illness, such as seizures, fainting, heat exhaustion, etc. that occurs on campus should be immediately reported to College Police so that the proper emergency or medical response can be made and the incident can be documented. If the incident involves the spilling of blood or other bodily fluids, advise College Police at the time of the initial notification along with the exact location and as much information as is known about the nature of the illness or injury. Bleeding should only be attended to if the wound is sufficient to be life threatening. Always wear proper personal protective devices where blood is present to avoid the dangers associated with blood borne pathogens.
If a person has fallen, struck their head, or hurt their back or neck, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MOVE THEM. The best treatment you can provide while awaiting medical personnel is verbal comfort. IF YOU FEEL THE INJURY OR ILLNESS CONSTITUTES AN EMERGENCY, CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY to hasten the response of paramedics. Do not attempt to administer first aid unless directed to by a 9-1-1 operator. Then contact College Police.
If you know the person who is injured and have information concerning existing medical conditions, medications taken or parental information in the case of juveniles, remain available to provide any knowledge you have to paramedics and College Police. Do not engage an injured person in unnecessary conversation and never discuss who was at fault or who will be responsible for paying medical bills. If the injured person is an EMCC employee, their supervisor must be notified and a report of industrial injury must be prepared and submitted to College Police. Initial non-emergency treatment for any work related injury must be obtained at a District approved medical facility. The cause of any accident will be investigated and unsafe conditions will be corrected.
In the unlikely event of a violent incident involving an immediate threat, College Police or other college officials may order a lockdown of the campus. Notification of the lockdown may come from several sources including the VoIP telephones, or SMS pages to student and employee cellular phones.
If a lockdown is ordered, all persons on campus should;
- Locate a safe classroom, office or meeting room.
- Assist others in moving to the safe room.
- Lock the door by pushing in the button on the interior handle.
- Close any window shades in the room.
- Turn off all lights.
- Move away from doors and windows.
- Remain in the safe location and quietly await further instructions.
During a lockdown, the College Police office should only be contacted in an emergency, such as a serious injury or if you have information on a suspect’s location.
If it should become necessary to evacuate a building, it is important that you remain calm, leave the building immediately, and exit in an orderly manner. The evacuation should be conducted immediately upon hearing a fire alarm or if directed verbally to do so by College Police, Fire Department personnel or college faculty or staff. Prior to any emergency, determine exit routes and exit points in your area.
When evacuating, remember to:
- Assist persons with disabilities who may need help. (Contact College Police for assistance.)
- Exit by a door leading directly outside whenever possible and not by one leading further into the interior of the building.
- Attempt to account for all persons who were in your area.
- Check rest rooms adjoining your area.
- Take personal items with you (at least keys, purses, medications, glasses.)
- Close doors behind you.
- Always use stairwells and not elevators when evacuating a multi-storied building.
- Once clear of the building, move to an area away from the building or into another building.
- Once outside, do not re-enter the building for any reason until directed to do so by College Police or Fire Department personnel.
- If possible secure college property and records before leaving your work area.
If an emergency exists and you initiate the evacuation, call 9-1-1 and notify College Police after exiting the building and upon reaching a safe location.
Civil Unrest
Civil disturbances include riots, demonstrations, threatening individuals, crime in progress, or assemblies that have become significantly disruptive. If a civil disturbance should occur on campus, avoid it and contact College Police. Stay away from the protest, or take a different route away from the problem. Do not taunt or obstruct demonstrators. Never provoke a confrontation. Continue with normal routines as much as possible unless alternative directions are issued by College Police.
The college respects the right of free speech and will allow non-violent protests and demonstrations to occur. College Police will be notified of all large assemblies on campus to monitor the crowd as necessary.
Court Orders
Any person who has filed an Order of Protection or Injunction Harassment and believes the named person may attempt to contact them on the EMCC campus, should notify College Police. College Police will require a copy of the Civil Court Order and will ask you to provide a physical description of the person named in the order as well as a photo, if possible, and a description of their vehicle. All officers will be made aware of the situation in order to avoid potential problems from occurring. If a violation of the order occurs, College Police will assist in filing a report of the incident and will also assist the Police Department in follow-up actions.
There are numerous types of workplace violence. Acts of physical violence, threats, verbal abuse, intimidation or harassment which are committed against a person, or places them in fear for their safety during the course of employment, are common forms. This can also include stalking, continuing domestic violence situations, highly aggressive emotional behavior, sexual harassment and assault.
If a verbal altercation is reported to you, remain calm and maintain a professional and caring attitude. Take the time to listen regardless of whether or not you agree with the person. Allow “venting” and don’t interrupt. If you can provide a solution, do so, or refer the person to someone who can assist. Your attitude will many times determine the result of the conflict.
If a violent conflict occurs in your area, attempt to summon help. Do not become involved or attempt to handle the situation. Attempt to safely and calmly move yourself and others to a safe location. If given the opportunity to exit safely, do so quickly and quietly. Leave the building and area and move a safe distance away from the building. Once outside, call 9-1-1 immediately. If the action prevents you from exiting, hide in a closet, under a desk, or behind any barrier you can find between you and the conflict and remain quiet.
College Police and the Dean of Students should be contacted immediately if workplace violence is suspected or threatened. If a violent act of any type occurs, call 9-1-1 immediately.
Persons with Firearms or Weapons
If you observe a person on campus with a firearm or other deadly weapon, contact College Police immediately. If a person is threatening someone, call 9-1-1 immediately.
State law forbids firearms on grounds of educational institutions even if the individual has a concealed weapons permit. State law provides for the college district to regulate deadly weapons, which includes firearms, on campuses. The Maricopa County Community College District does not allow firearms or any deadly weapon on its campuses. Peace officers do have exemptions from these laws. However, contact College Police to ascertain that the individual has authority to carry a firearm if you observe someone with one. If a person having a weapon appears dangerous, is acting suspicious or strange, is threatening, or is behaving irrationally, stay away from the individual and call 9-1-1 immediately.
Suspicious Persons
Because we are a diverse community, it is sometimes difficult to determine who does or does not belong on the college campus. There are occasions, however, when we encounter an individual who does not appear to have a valid reason to be on campus. There are other situations where a person’s actions, such as prowling parking lots and peering into vehicles, or their verbal comments, may raise suspicion. If you encounter an individual or situation you feel is out of place or suspicious, contact College Police immediately and provide a description, an explanation of the person’s actions and any other pertinent information. College Police will attempt to identify the individual to determine if they have a legitimate reason to be on campus.
Suspicious Packages
If you receive or discover a suspicious letter, package or backpack, do not handle, move, open or go near the item until it can be checked.
You should be cautious of unexpected foreign mail, special deliveries, very excessive or insufficient postage, return addresses missing or not matching the postmark, misspellings of common words, excessive taping or sealing, oily stains, powder, strange odors, metal or foil under the wrapping, protruding wires and rigid, lopsided or uneven envelopes.
If you are unsure as to whether or not it is safe to open a piece of mail, contact College Police immediately and keep everyone away from the item until they arrive.
Explosions can be caused by a variety of reasons, e.g., leaking gas, chemical accidents, bombs, etc. After an explosion, remain calm and, if possible, guard against further personal harm by crawling under a table or desk. Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, filing cabinets, bookcases and electrical equipment. Open doors carefully and watch for falling objects. Do not use telephones, elevators, matches or lighters. Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of being hurt worse by a subsequent fire, building collapse, etc. When safe or instructed to do so, evacuate the building calmly.
The immediate response of outside resources such as Fire and Police Departments, Ambulances, and Southwest Gas will be needed to effectively deal with the situation.
Bomb Threats
If you should receive a bomb threat, remain calm. DO NOT hang up until the caller disconnects. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible while attempting to obtain as much information as you can.
Attempt to find out where the bomb is located, when it will explode, what type of device it is, what it looks like, why it was placed, and any other information about the caller he or she might provide. Make mental notes about the caller, such as sex, race, age, accent, speech problems or patterns, and his or her attitude (excited, loud, intoxicated, laughing, etc.). Also, listen for identifying or background noises that may assist in determining where the call originated (street noises, trains, other voices, machinery, PA announcements, etc.).
After the caller disconnects, call College Police immediately. Advise of the time and location the call was received and the location for College Police to meet you. Begin making written notes about the call while waiting for Safety personnel to arrive but do not discuss the call with other people. Do not begin an evacuation of the building or immediately pull the fire alarm. College Police will make notification to appropriate administrative personnel who will determine what additional response is required such as Police and Fire Departments and whether or not to evacuate.
If you are the recipient of the bomb threat call, it is imperative that you remain available to be interviewed by College Police personnel.
Hazardous Materials Incidents
The EMCC campus complies with OSHA regulations regarding hazardous materials. As such, all required labeling, recording and protective measures are taken to ensure that a safe work environment exists.
If a hazardous substance, chemical, or blood is spilled in your area, notify College Police immediately. If you believe a major hazardous material spill has occurred, call 9-1-1 immediately.
If the substance is toxic or flammable, or a large spill has occurred, evacuate the area immediately but DO NOT pull the fire alarm. Leave the light switch in the position in which it was found as changing the position may cause a spark that will ignite a flammable gas or other substance that generates flammable vapors. Treat the situation as you would if it were a natural gas leak. (See “Gas Leaks”) Secure doors as you evacuate and make notification from another location. Provide as much information as possible concerning the substances involved.
If blood or other bodily fluid is spilled, practice universal precautions and wear protective equipment before attempting to clean the spill. If you prefer, protect the affected area and notify maintenance and operations personnel who will use appropriately safe methods to clean it. In either case, always remember to contact College Police so that the safety of everyone can be protected and the incident can be documented.
Gas Leaks
The College utilizes natural gas in numerous buildings on campus. If you smell natural gas (rotten egg smell), contact College Police.
If the source of the leak is known and easily correctable, such as turning off a Bunsen burner or a kitchen appliance, do so immediately. College Police personnel will assist with venting the affected area and in determining if evacuation is necessary. If the leak is not readily apparent or is not easily correctable, evacuate the area immediately.
If evacuation is necessary, do not use the fire alarm, touch any switches or electrical devices, or use the telephone in the affected room. These can cause a spark, which could ignite the gas and cause an explosion. Verbally notify everyone to evacuate quickly and orderly. Notify College Police of the exact location and an estimation of the extent of the leak and contact Southwest Gas Emergency at (602) 271-4277.
Once outside, get away from the building. Do not smoke, use cell phones, or other electrical devices in the area of the affected building.
Be familiar with the location of fire alarm pull stations, as well as the location of every fire extinguisher in your building. Develop a mental plan of what you will do if there is a fire in your area and rehearse it. Know where you will exit, including an alternate in case your first choice is blocked. Know how to use a fire extinguisher. (Pull the safety pin, aim at the base of the fire, squeeze the trigger handle and move it from side to side as it discharges at the base of the fire.) The first few seconds of a fire are critical as to whether it spreads or is controlled, but never allow a fire to cut you off from the exit while attempting to control it.
If a fire occurs in your area, pull the fire alarm immediately and evacuate the area, remembering to assist people with special needs and to account for all persons in the area. If the fire is small enough to extinguish, do so with a fire extinguisher and disconnect any electrical devices involved in the fire if safe to do so. Then contact College Police immediately.
If the fire is beyond control with an extinguisher, evacuate immediately and activate a fire alarm pull station. Call 9-1-1 immediately from a safe location and notify College Police. Remember the rules of evacuation: Exit directly outside the building, if possible. Close doors behind you. Do not go deeper into the building unless forced to do so by flames. Never return to the building once outside until told to do so by the appropriate personnel.
If you should become trapped inside a building by smoke or fire, DO NOT PANIC. Do not open any door until you feel it to make sure it is not hot. If it is hot, there is fire on the other side. Crawl or stay as low as possible as you move through the building. Because heat from a fire and smoke both rise, the air close to the floor is cooler and less dense with smoke. Breathe shallowly through your nose and use clothing, such as a shirt or sweater, as a filter. If you are forced to advance through flames, hold your breath, move quickly, cover your head and hair, and keep your head down and your eyes closed as much as possible. If possible, use a cell phone to call 9-1-1 or College Police to advise them of your location and condition so that rescue personnel can be directed to you. Do not open or break a window unless it provides you an immediate avenue of escape, as oxygen will only feed the fire and lessen your chances of survival. Remember: Panic is as lethal as the fire. REMAIN CALM.
Phoenix is located on a remote fault of the San Andreas and, although the potential for an earthquake exists, it is improbable that it will happen.
If a quake should occur and you are outside, move away from buildings, walls, trees, and power lines. Find an open area, drop to your knees in a fetal position, close your eyes, and cross your arms over the back of your neck for protection. Stay in that position until the shaking stops.
If you are inside when a quake occurs, stay inside. Seek shelter, such as under a table, bench or desk, or stand in a doorway. Stay away from windows, bookshelves and ceiling fixtures. If you attempt to go outside, the risk of being struck by falling items is great. After the shaking stops, do not use regular or cellular telephones except to report serious injuries. Stay put, until told to evacuate.
Major flooding in our area is unlikely. However, minor flooding caused by stopped drains, broken water mains or major, multiple rainstorms, could occur and result in area flooding. In the case of imminent weather-related flooding, College Police will monitor the National Weather Service and other emergency advisories to determine necessary actions such as evacuations and cancelation of classes. In cases of water main failure, affected areas of the campus would need to be evacuated immediately
If a building becomes flooded, avoid the flooded area. Disconnect electrical equipment if it can be done safely. If possible, secure vital equipment, records, chemicals and laboratory experiments (move to higher, safer ground). Avoid possible falling objects such as wet ceiling tiles and seek a dry area. Notify College Police as soon as possible.
Power outages can occur at any time, but are most probable between the months of June to October. EMCC has emergency lighting to assist in leaving the buildings. If an outage occurs, remain calm and notify College Police.
Media Contacts
During any crisis on campus, it is critical that accurate and timely information be given to the news media. All media inquiries should be directed to the Office of Marketing & Public Relations and the Vice President of Administrative Services or their designee. All information released will take into consideration applicable legalities and the confidentiality of information both during and after a situation.