Fingerprint Information

Fingerprint Information

For all EDU internship/field experience students!

On April 29, 2008, the governor signed into law House Bill #2566. This law affects all EDU student internships and field experience! The law states you must possess a valid IVP fingerprint clearance card in order to be placed in a school for an internship or field experience duty. It is imperative that all students complete the process for their fingerprint clearance immediately. This process can take up to four weeks. Any delay in the fingerprint clearance process will affect a student’s progress in the EDU internship/field experience.

The card must be in the student’s possession when participating in the internship/field experience at a public school.

If your current DPS Fingerprint Clearance Card does not have an IVP number on the front, you will be asked to complete a new IVP fingerprint clearance process prior to certification with the Arizona Department of Education. Some districts may also require you to possess an IVP card.