Chapter Officers/Elections

Chapter Officers/Elections

Beta Alpha Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is led by student officers elected each late April by members of the Chapter for the coming academic year. Chapter Officers work together with the Chapter Advisor to guide the chapter in its programming and activities for the year and assist members in getting maximum benefit from their Society membership.

OFFICER TEAM for 2024-2025:

  • Chapter President – Ashley Taylor
  • Vice President of Leadership - Olivia Jordan

Chapter Elections

All members in good standing with the Chapter and enrolled in at least 3 credits at EMCC may run for elected office and serve on the Chapter Executive Board.

  • • Leadership Team members must be continuing as EMCC students while serving as a Chapter Officer (summer enrollment not required).
  • Term of office is generally for one full year, from June 1 - May 31.
  • Terms of service can also be for one semester at a time if graduating in the fall semester.
  • If vacancies occur or new leadership opportunities arise between Chapter Elections, other student members may be appointed to serve in Leadership Team roles upon the vote of the Chapter Executive Board.